Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Team Experiences Can Be Amazing!

Teams...how many of you have been a part of a successful team? I can say I have experienced a team at work that was amazing. It really can be achieved for anyone struggling to build a team go for it, keep at it!

For me it was the first time being part of a team that actually took accountability, hard work, and supporting one another to grow to a level I've never experienced. Through tough times both personal and professional there was no back stabbing, no throwing someone under the bus, but there was support, honesty, and value. I have been in the medical profession for 24 years before this team experience and I have to say nothing has come close to this experience.

My hat is off to my teammates Yvonne, Pru, and Betsy! Corey we couldn't have been the strong team we were if you hadn't put us together in the first place, so thanks for that! Christina you have been an integral part of the faith of the team and your prayers are uplifting, inspiring, and grounding when we need it most.

Who knew we would become a team in the true sense of the word? Everyone talks teamwork but in the trenches there is always someone throwing someone under the bus when times get tough. But what I've come to realise is when a team becomes a true team others become threatened and uncomfortable by the power of the team, and set out to destroy the team. The funny part is they may succeed by separating the team members but true teams continue whether you are in the same physical environment or not everyday. The support, friendship, inspiring growth in one another, and having each other's backs continues.

To anyone out there trying to build a team stick with it, if you succeed it will have been worth it. You will realize how powerful an experience it can be to bring out everyone's strengths. I hope to experience this again in my lifetime but I fear that it is a once in a lifetime experience.